Want to Counsel?
Serving, as a counselor at a Christian youth camp is one of the most rewarding activities you will do in your lifetime. It can, however, be one of the most demanding as well. You will be expected to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude toward all phases of the camping program and to enter into all camp activities with zest and enthusiasm. By your example and teaching, young people will be led to a closer relationship with God, our Father, and Christ, our Savior.
FPYC has a goal, specifically defined in the Articles of Incorporation of the camp. The goal is to help each camper have a better understanding of what the Bible teaches, to develop a close personal relationship with the Master, and to help each one grow as Jesus grew - in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man. To enable the camp to attain this goal and to give guidance to those who manage and direct the camp, the Board of Trustees has adopted a set of “Rules for Campers.” These rules are intended to create a positive atmosphere for Christian activity and development. The Board of Trustees and the leadership of the camp expect to recruit and employ counselors who agree with the purpose of the camp, who will themselves abide by the rules and support the enforcement of the rules while the camp employs them. They will be expected to be positive role models for campers both at the camp and away from the camp. Please read carefully the “Rules for Campers” as well as the job description for camp counselors at FPYC. When you complete the application you will be asked to sign a statement affirming your belief in the purpose of the camp and your willingness to abide by and uphold the rules. Other details, such as pay, specific “days off” during the summer and other arrangements you may request regarding the schedule including your desire to participate in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Canoe Trek or not will be discussed at a later time if we have not discussed them already.
A counselor is the most important person in a camping program. They, along with the director, set the tone and create the atmosphere in which the camp program will operate. It is under their leadership that campers will have the opportunity to grow closer to the Lord. We hope you will want to come and join us as we attempt to accomplish this important work. Please send your application to me at the given address. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Note: Lately we have had a large number of applicants. We are, unfortunately, unable to hire as many people as we have good candidates. If you are currently not certified as a lifeguard but could possibly have this arranged prior to the start of the summer, note this on your application. This is one area that may give a person an “edge” in the selection process, if all other factors are “equal”. Camp will reimburse any fee paid for the lifeguard certification or re-certification course when a receipt is given to the treasurer. Please contact me to inquire further about this or anything else regarding counseling at FPYC.
In His service,
Brett Osborne, Staff Committee Chair
FPYC has a goal, specifically defined in the Articles of Incorporation of the camp. The goal is to help each camper have a better understanding of what the Bible teaches, to develop a close personal relationship with the Master, and to help each one grow as Jesus grew - in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man. To enable the camp to attain this goal and to give guidance to those who manage and direct the camp, the Board of Trustees has adopted a set of “Rules for Campers.” These rules are intended to create a positive atmosphere for Christian activity and development. The Board of Trustees and the leadership of the camp expect to recruit and employ counselors who agree with the purpose of the camp, who will themselves abide by the rules and support the enforcement of the rules while the camp employs them. They will be expected to be positive role models for campers both at the camp and away from the camp. Please read carefully the “Rules for Campers” as well as the job description for camp counselors at FPYC. When you complete the application you will be asked to sign a statement affirming your belief in the purpose of the camp and your willingness to abide by and uphold the rules. Other details, such as pay, specific “days off” during the summer and other arrangements you may request regarding the schedule including your desire to participate in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Canoe Trek or not will be discussed at a later time if we have not discussed them already.
A counselor is the most important person in a camping program. They, along with the director, set the tone and create the atmosphere in which the camp program will operate. It is under their leadership that campers will have the opportunity to grow closer to the Lord. We hope you will want to come and join us as we attempt to accomplish this important work. Please send your application to me at the given address. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Note: Lately we have had a large number of applicants. We are, unfortunately, unable to hire as many people as we have good candidates. If you are currently not certified as a lifeguard but could possibly have this arranged prior to the start of the summer, note this on your application. This is one area that may give a person an “edge” in the selection process, if all other factors are “equal”. Camp will reimburse any fee paid for the lifeguard certification or re-certification course when a receipt is given to the treasurer. Please contact me to inquire further about this or anything else regarding counseling at FPYC.
In His service,
Brett Osborne, Staff Committee Chair