DONATEDid you know that last year 64% of camp operations were possible thanks to donations? Keeping camper fees low and seeing that no one misses out on the Christian camp experience means that camper fees don't cover even half of the financial need. FPYC is blessed to have so many awesome supporters. If you can, please join us in keeping The Light on. DONATE
READY TO SERVEServing at FPYC can be the blessing to you which blesses others too. Consider volunteering as a teacher, a nurse, a cook, a crafts person, a camp helper or a director of a session. There is a camper fee discount available to lighten the lift. God can use your unique skills to make a session special. SERVE
APPLY AS A COUNSELORServing as a counselor at a Christian youth camp is one of the most rewarding activities you will do in your lifetime. It can, however, be one of the most demanding as well. You will be expected to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude toward all phases of the camping program and to enter into all camp activities with zest and enthusiasm. By your example and teaching, young people will be led to a closer relationship with God, our Father, and Christ, our Savior. COUNSEL
WEEKEND WORKERSWhatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. And there's so much work to be done. Count on Memorial Day and Labor Day Work Weekends, but also consider volunteering for special projects that might be piling up on the caretakers' plate. Call them up; ask if you can spend some time helping out. Chances are you're needed and what an encouragement that will be. WORK