ONLINE FPYC Registration
Online registration - sweet! Before you hit the link to CampBrain, note these:
Register here:
Feel free to contact the Camp Office if any questions come up as you work through the forms.
Keep in mind that next year's registration will be a snap, with all your inputs saved and secured.
For information on Camp Fees. Also, some very helpful downloads below:
- If you're serving as a staff volunteer in some way this year, click here for some special information.
- If you're a first-time, never-been-to-camp-before-camper, click here for some also-special information.
Register here:
Feel free to contact the Camp Office if any questions come up as you work through the forms.
Keep in mind that next year's registration will be a snap, with all your inputs saved and secured.
For information on Camp Fees. Also, some very helpful downloads below:
Packing List
Crafts & Canteen
Camp Rules
Allergies at Camp