Camp Fees
The camp operates, half on camp fees, half on donations. A great effort is made to keep camp fees low so that the Christian camp experience is open to as many as possible.*
Junior Camp One week: $225 Age 9-13 Senior Camp Two weeks: $395 Age 14-high school First or Second Youth One week: $225 Age 9-high school Family Camps One week Adults: $250 Cabin campers, Age 8-18: $225 Age 5-8: $95 Age 0-4: Free When determining age requirements please use the age your child will be on September 1st of the current year. Bus Fee for Junior, Senior, and Youth Camp sessions Northern Light $60 Woodbury church of Christ (Youth Session Only): $60 McDonalds-Cloquet: $50 Full bus fee is required regardless of whether the camper is riding one-way or riding both ways to or from camp. Note: There is no bus service for family camp sessions. |
Camperships (camp scholarship) can be extended to those truly in need.
Money should never be a reason for not coming to camp.
For more information on these, please Contact Us
Camperships (camp scholarship) can be extended to those truly in need.
Money should never be a reason for not coming to camp.
For more information on these, please Contact Us